The task

When standing on the Elphi-Plaza overlooking the Elbe or listening to brilliantly presented sounds of music in the concert hall, you will surely not think of how many passageways you have passed on your way there.

In a building such as the Elbe Philharmonic Hall, first-class products are not only installed where they are visible and aesthetics matter, but everywhere. You will be forgiven for not considering the mundane, like safety and security. In a concert hall with an auditorium capacity of up to 2,100 spectators the escape routes, for instance, require time-consuming planning.

In such a superlative building interior design in every detail counts. Teckentrup doors were chosen for their functionality and their aesthetics - fire and smoke protection harmonised with the creative objective of a flush finish.

The solution

Special block frames with rim widths up to 625 millimetres for two-leaf doors that have the exact same depth as the wall. This also made individual approvals necessary in most cases. It's time-consuming, however in the end it worked out smoothly as our doors in their standard versions are proven fire protection doors.

Although the doors may show uniform visual appearance: their functions are very different. Depending on their position they are one-leaf or two leaf versions, as EI 2 30 or EI 2 90, some with and some without smoke protection. Where special sound insulation was required, special fastening material had to be used. 

Approximately one sixth of the doors open automatically and around 40 percent of the doors are connected to the access control system, to the burglar alarm system or the central smoke extraction system. 

To keep escape routes for people with special needs clear, some fire protection doors are mandatory to open automatically. These solutions are the reason our products are named "door solutions“. In total there are 15 different frame versions with identical visual appearance!

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Case Studies

Teckentrup Steel Doors At Europa Park Stadium, Freiburg!

Teckentrup supplied over 250 doors across a wide range of requirements.

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Teckentrup Industrial Sectional Doors At New Car Workshop Facility!

When it comes to commercial construction projects, there is no better partner than Teckentrup. Teckentrup has the experience and specialist knowledge to help achieve the compliance or access requirements your project needs.

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New Victoria Residential Development, Manchester

Teckentrup, in partnership with its sister company, ABC Doors, worked on the project for leading construction company Vinci & Muse Developments. The project was ideal for the Teckentrup/ABC offering, demonstrating the combined expertise of both companies.

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