The newly built West Burton Gas Turbine Power Station was experiencing maintenance issues with its existing doors. Doors were not meeting lifespan expectations and failing at a high frequency. The site is very exposed and a typical failure was of doors on stairwells being caught by winds and going out of service.
“Teckentrup’s solution based approach quickly saw invitations to provide doors for the sites very specialist requirements.”
– Jim Rodger, Managing Director
Teckentrup was approached by West Burton Facilities Management and surveyed the whole site with the client, identifying the issues at each door location. The doors all needed specific certified performance capabilities, fire, acoustics etc., however the survey also recognised the type use the doors were expected to handle. Office staff taking their time and some care over opening a door will require a very different level of performance compared to maintenance crews bashing through a door at the top of a stairwell 20 times a day onto a windswept yard.
Improved overall life cost
Teckentrup’s solution included suitably rated closers, doors with certified cycle values and a build quality appropriate for the environment and use characteristics. A higher cost product, but with inherently higher quality that was intended to resolve the maintenance issues and provide an improved overall life cost.
One door was supplied for test and after a two-month test period the Teckentrup product was adopted and is now installed as existing doors require replacement.
Teckentrup’s solution based approach quickly saw invitations to provide doors for the sites very specialist requirements. Very large doors, doors with double closers, folding doors and speciality locking for chemical areas, etc.
Naturally Teckentrup spends some of its time talking doors, but our reputation is best explained by our exploration of solutions that include the people, places and the real-world situation that doors will find themselves installed.