Coronavirus Policy Statement

March 2024

Teckentrup UK Ltd and ABC Doors Ltd is committed to the health and wellbeing of all its employees and shall seek to ensure that no undue risks are taken with regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), including others that may be impacted by our activities and products including clients and suppliers. We continue to monitor conditions around our local regions and the guidance from Public Health England. We are aiming to strike a balance of business as usual, whilst protecting our people and have, therefore, established the following precautionary controls:

Management has updated the risk management planning to the following guidelines:

  1. Lateral flow testing kits will continue to be supplied by the business operations for anyone who shows any symptoms of COVID-19.
  2. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, or shows symptoms, where possible shall work from home. Each employee must inform their line manager if and when symptoms may appear and agree the individual course of action.
  3. There is no requirement to isolate or work from home if other members of the employee’s household show symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19.
  4. The use of facial coverings shall follow the recommendations from Public Heath England. At the time of writing there is no requirement to use facial coverings. Stock of facial coverings will be held by the company and may be requested by employees.
  5. The company supports vaccination however there is no requirement for employees to have the COVID-19 vaccine and booster, and this shall be personal choice of each employee.

To download a copy of the Teckentrup Coronavirus Policy Statement...

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