GE Garage Doors

We are Ge Garage Doors, Cheshire and Stockports longest established garage door company. We pride ourselves on quality,efficiency and outstanding service.

About GE Garage Doors

We are Ge Garage Doors, Cheshire and Stockports longest established garage door company. We pride ourselves on quality,efficiency and outstanding service. From a small garage door repair to Bespoke electric garage doors our commitment is the same - delivering to our customers the highest standards for the best price.

We are pleased to be recognised as professional installers of the Teckentrup range of doors and side-hinged doors and find Jim and John at Teckentrup depot a pleasure to deal with. On our website you will find some of our recent projects and testimonials from very happy customers.

We cover Cheshire, Stockport, Marple, High-Peak, Manchester, Wilmslow and will be happy to travel to all surrounding areas.

Please call to arrange a survey or if you need some friendly advise.

WE look forward to doing business with you. Thank you Jeff Eyre.


Contact GE Garage Doors

Get in touch today for your free no obligation quotation or to arrange a visit

Enquiry Form

Enter your details below to submit an enquiry directly to GE Garage Doors. All fields are required as a mininum.

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Your personal details will be held by Teckentrup Door Solutions and will only be used in conjunction with your enquiry. Please read our privacy policy for more information.

Where to find us

GE Garage Doors
31 Upper Hibbert Lane
Hawk Green