A solution for every installation scenario - Sectional frames & cover profiles

Solutions for every installation

We know CarTeck is the best solution for installers - every scenario and opening has a solution - here they are explained in detail.

First of all, which type of frame?

Choose from two frame types:

Standard Frame (with back fixing holes)

Use this frame for “back-fix”, “part-within fix” (show up to 48mm of frame leg within the opening) and “between the reveal fix” in conjunction with 3D profile covers.

Between-Fix Frame (without back fixing holes)

Use this frame for between the reveal fix, up to a maximum size of 5500mm (18’0”) wide and 2250mm (7’4”) high.

For the perfect “back-fix” solution

Colour matched frame legs and header

All our frame legs and header are smooth white as standard but are available colour matched as an option, ideal if the frame legs and header will be visible in the opening. All non-wood effect Trend coloured doors are available with colour matched frame legs and header.

Wood-effect colours are finished as follows: Night Oak & Rosewood frame legs are finished in a complementing painted wood effect finish to the door panel but will not match precisely. Golden Oak and Winchester frames are finished in a complementing flat colour to the door panel: Golden Oak (RAL8003), Winchester (RAL8001).

Door frame legs and headers are available in smooth texture only (not available in woodgrain embossed, stucco, or micro profile). Colour shade and surface lustre will show a variance from the panel finish as the base material and coating methods are different.

Twist fix frame leg retaining brackets for fast installs

Doors up to 2743mm (9’0”) wide and 2250mm (7’4”) high and under 70kg require no frame leg retaining brackets - fix straight through.

Doors over this size have retaining brackets that add extra stiffness. They just twist to fit and can be used inboard or outboard of the frame, saving up to 12 nut and bolt fitting and tightening time!

Don’t forget - only one hanger is needed if you’re using the rear spacer bar side extension fixing, two if not, and no need for a hanger at the curve in any configuration.

For the perfect “between-fix” solution

Between, behind and between - no problem

CarTeck's 120mm header is ideal for installation between as it completely fills the head space and can also be used in conjunction with 3D covers.

Two options:

Option 1 - Colour Matched Between-Fix Frame (No Holes)

No holes means no need to use additional cover profiles, making the no holes frame the industry's most cost effective and simplest solution for a perfect finish on a "between-fix" installation.  

Use our between fix frame with no holes, up to a Maximum door size 5500mm wide x 2250mm high. These are available colour matched to the door - see back-fix frames section above for details.

Doors will be supplied with a back-fix kit, frame leg stiffener brackets and pre-fitted lintel fixing brackets.

Fix through the frame legs and header or use the optional twist fix header kit and between-fix kit.

Pre-fitted Lintel fixing brackets - IMPORTANT! 

These must be used to secure the top of the frame leg, preventing lateral movement.

Stiffener Brackets

Stiffener brackets ensure the frame legs are prevented from twisting or distorting.

Option 2 - Standard Frame & 3D Profiles

Use our standard frame (with back fixing holes) in conjunction with 3D profiles. 

Doors will be supplied with a back-fix kit.

Fix through the frame legs and header or use the optional twist fix header kit and between-fix kit.

Optional extra accessories to make between fix easy:

Twist-Fix Header Kit 

A pair of brackets that facilitate a solid fix for the header by providing a fixing point for “L” shaped brackets. 

Between-Fix Kit 

Brackets that allow a fixing to be made behind the frame leg.

Between-fix bracket shown from both sides on a no-hole frame leg.

3D Profile Kits To Cover Standard Frame Holes

If you are fitting between the reveal and not using the between-fix no hole frame, the fixing holes in the frame legs (used for back fixing) will be exposed.

The colour matched 3D profiles are in kits for on-site cutting to the required length. 

Doors over 3000mm wide will require two 3D header pieces and a butted joint at the header unless you opt for the 85mm frame leg and additional header kit. 

All non-wood effect Trend coloured doors are available with colour matched 3D profiles.

Wood-effect colours are finished as follows: 

3D profiles in Night Oak & Rosewood frame legs are finished in a complementing painted wood effect finish to the door panel but will not match precisely. Golden Oak and Winchester 3D profiles are finished in a complementing flat colour to the door panel: RAL 8014.

3D profiles are available in smooth texture only (not available in woodgrain embossed, stucco, or micro profile). Colour shade and surface lustre will show a variance from the panel finish as the base material and coating methods are different.

The kits:

  • 85mm frame leg kit
    2no. 85mm x 12mm x 3000mm
  • 85/120mm 3D profile kit
    2no. 85mm x 12mm x 3000mm 
    1no. 120mm x 12mm x 3000mm
  • 120mm 3D profile kit
    3no. 120mm x 12mm x 3000mm 
  •  *85mm frame leg & additional header kit
    2no. 85mm x 12mm x 3000mm & additional door header
    (The additional door header will be supplied to the door ordering size +200mm)
  • 70mm angle 3D kit
    3no. 70mm x 12mm x 3000mm

* For doors over 3 metres wide - the additional door header eliminates the join that would occur using a 120mm 3D profile (max length 3 metres)

IMPORTANT! 3D frame legs include two lintel fixing brackets that must be used to secure the top of the frame leg, preventing lateral movement.

The 3D profiles have a smart fixing that allows for lateral movement - perfect for bridging small fitting gaps or tidying up the front face of the opening. 

Shown here on the 85mm 3D profile:

85mm Frame Leg 3D Profile Kit

85mm frame leg 3D cover profiles for between the reveal fit with lateral movement for up to 30mm gap coverage or up to 30mm overlap. 

KIT: 2no. 85mm x 12mm x 3000mm


The frame leg 3D kit profiles are 12mm deep and will create a step at the header. 

Use an 85/120 3D profile kit for a flush finish.

85mm/120mm 3D profile kit

Also available in a kit with a 120mm header 3D cover profile.

KIT: 2no. 85mm x 12mm x 3000mm & 1no. 120mm x 12mm x 3000mm

120mm 3D profile kit

120mm 3D cover profiles for between the reveal fit at the front edge with lateral movement for up to 65mm overlap. 

KIT: 3no. 120mm x 12mm x 3000mm 

85mm frame leg kit & additional door header

Perfect for doors over 3000mm wide - our 120mm SD profile comes in 3000mm lengths requiring a butted joint on larger doors - this kit includes a second full-width single piece header for a seamless finish.

KIT: 2no. 85mm x 12mm x 3000mm & additional door header (The additional door header will be supplied to the door ordering size +200mm).

70mm angle 3D renovating profile for back-fix or part-between fix

Use this when fitting behind the reveal or part between to neaten up damaged openings. The 70mm angle 3D renovating profile is held between the frame and the brickwork and will cover the back corner of the opening to tidy up any damaged wall edges. Ideal when removing timber frame and brick work has deteriorated. Supplied in 3000mm lengths for on-site cutting to the required length.

KIT: 3no. 70mm x 12mm x 3000mm

Unsure what you need?

Call the team to discuss on 01925 924050

or use the contact form here!

Further reading

Teckentrup TV Sectional Garage Door DRIVE Reset Videos

CarTeck DRIVE Reset Procedure - CarTeck Sectional Garage Doors

10 Feb 2025

Watch Dan take you through each step of the CarTeck DRIVE reset procedure on Teckentrup CarTeck insulated sectional garage doors.

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Teckentrup is awarded platinum membership by Constructionline!

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After a successful audit, at which Teckentrup demonstrated its industry leading capabilities to supply the door industry, Constructionline awarded Teckentrup platinum membership status – their highest level of membership!

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St Michael's School Zambia '24 Project Final Update – Volunteering in Zambia!

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A culmination of the students’ incredible fundraising work, 15 pupils and 5 staff travelled to Zambia spending two weeks working with Mission Direct on a number of projects in the community.

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