CarTeck DRIVE PRO 600Nm
Each of the four CarTeck DRIVE models can lift all sizes of CarTeck Insulated Sectional garage doors. "So, what’s the point of that" you cry! Well, rather than the size of door dictating which opener a customer has, it’s what the customer wants the opener to do that guides the choice (apart from sending the door up and down!)
"Ok, I get that but then why do you have 500Nm and 600Nm versions?" A few good reasons…
…firstly speed – the 600Nm DRIVE is 33% quicker at 240mm/s than the 500Nm DRIVE at 180mm/s so a 2m high door will open around 3 seconds faster…
…secondly functionality – the 600Nm control board has an extended capacity to add extra functionality such as motion controlled lighting, parking guides and battery back-up.
The 600Nm units also have a 6 LED motor light and a pair of Pearl four-button transmitters compared to the 500Nm with 3 LED motor lights and a pair of Pearl Twin two-button transmitters.
10 Feb 2025
Watch Dan take you through each step of the CarTeck DRIVE reset procedure on Teckentrup CarTeck insulated sectional garage doors.
05 Nov 2024
After a successful audit, at which Teckentrup demonstrated its industry leading capabilities to supply the door industry, Constructionline awarded Teckentrup platinum membership status – their highest level of membership!
01 Oct 2024
A culmination of the students’ incredible fundraising work, 15 pupils and 5 staff travelled to Zambia spending two weeks working with Mission Direct on a number of projects in the community.