Anthracite grey continues to be the colour of choice for consumers and it’s most popular when paired with the solid panel design for that sleek, contemporary look.
Three textures
At Teckentrup we carry three surface finish options; smooth, textured and woodgrain. The woodgrain finish is often pushed by other manufacturers because of its resilience in everyday use and a much more forgiving surface in directional light.
“But I don’t have any woodgrain on my home…” Consumers are often matching their garage door to windows and entrance doors, so this pushes woodgrain out of the running.
Obviously smooth then?
Smooth finish is the obvious choice, however, the large, flat expanse of solid panels are more susceptible to surface damage, fingerprinting and marking. Our recommendation is that you offer textured Anthracite to give consumers the best of both worlds.
Textured wins
Even from a short distance the textured finish is indistinguishable from smooth, so matching other finishes is not a problem. It has a low gloss sheen that hides fingerprinting and the surface is much more resilient in use. Its durability is similar to woodgrain, giving consumers a door that is less likely to show the effects of everyday use.
So, when considering anthracite grey smooth Vs textured Vs woodgrain, give your customer the best option – textured. It’s also available from stock, so the door is on a 2-week lead time.
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