New garage doors: Attractive, convenient and safe

They squeak, look shabby and sometimes hang on worn out springs: Old garage doors are a sad sight when returning home and for any guests who may be visiting, as well as being a potential safety hazard, and that is just one good reason for a new garage door. Not only will your garage appear more attractive, it will also spruce up the whole of your property - and the state-of-the-art safety system ensures you do not have to worry about your children-s fingers being crushed or the door leaf denting the roof of your car -CarTeck doors adapt to the style of your house - in a classic, modern or rustic design. Moreover, they make life that little bit easier: Nowadays an electric drive with remote control-, says Jörg Meyer-Holtkamp, door specialist at Teckentrup (Verl).

Today, homeowners have access to an almost unlimited range of products to stamp their personal mark on their property. Windows, doors and stucco finish are available in every imaginable colour and style. But there is actually more to a stylish home: It is the favourable combination of house, garage and garden which gives it its special flair. Garage door manufacturers rely on a wide range of products to offer doors with the right style, colour, windows and, if desired, heat insulation - just in case the garage is used by a hobby enthusiast or for sheltering.

From Bauhaus to country house style

The driveway and garage are usually the first things a visitor sees. An old, run-of-the-mill garage door is not the calling card of high standards and impeccable good taste and usually only provides the most basic functions. Many homeowners wish to combine the appearance of the house and garage. CarTeck doors are available in numerous designs, no matter whether it is a traditional or modern, rustic or puristic, classic or fanciful look you are after. The standard program includes all common colours; special colours are available on request.

Garages are usually more than just a place to park the family car. They are often used as a storage space for garden tools and bicycles, a DIY workshop or as a shelter for plants during the winter months. The doors can be designed to satisfy your requirements; for example, windows to allow daylight to enter. A real eye-catcher is the round glazing elements, the so-called -portholes-. Side doors in a matching design ensure a second entrance and round off the perfect appearance of your home.

Guaranteed safety
Old garage doors not only look shabby, they are also a safety hazard; especially the springs: They are worn out and, in some cases, no longer hold the door in position, meaning the door could come crashing down at any moment. Quite often there are no guards on the springs to prevent children inserting and seriously injuring their fingers. In contrast, modern doors are state-of-the-art products which guarantee the highest level of safety: Guards and finger pinch protection ensure little fingers cannot be crushed. Furthermore, technically mature safety systems prevent doors falling down and stop them automatically if an obstacle is encountered during downward movement.

Guaranteed convenience
Sectional doors help you gain space in front of your garage and having to always leave enough space to open old up-and-over garage doors is a thing of the past, today, you can park right in front of the door and still open it. It is also no longer necessary to get out of your car (especially when it is raining) to open the garage door. And forget about yanking the door open, since an electric drive with remote control is a standard feature nowadays. Clever solutions provide even more convenience: Internal and external lighting can, e.g., be coupled to the remote control. You will never have to walk to the front door in the dark again, providing you with a little extra security. With the new handheld transmitter -D 323- your garage door can be operated from the comfort of your car. The transmitter, which functions without batteries, is plugged into the cigarette lighter and is, thus, always close to hand and ready for use.

A new door in just a few hours
It usually only takes half a day to remove your old garage door and to install a new one; and the fitters even take the old door with them. This means you can have a brand new garage door in just a few hours while your driveway stays nice and clean - and that-s a promise. And why not virtually construct your new garage door online: The garage door configurator provides a wide selection of door types, colours, surfaces, etc., can be -uploaded- for your own garage.

Further reading

Teckentrup TV Sectional Garage Door DRIVE Reset Videos

CarTeck DRIVE Reset Procedure - CarTeck Sectional Garage Doors

10 Feb 2025

Watch Dan take you through each step of the CarTeck DRIVE reset procedure on Teckentrup CarTeck insulated sectional garage doors.

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Teckentrup is awarded platinum membership by Constructionline!

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After a successful audit, at which Teckentrup demonstrated its industry leading capabilities to supply the door industry, Constructionline awarded Teckentrup platinum membership status – their highest level of membership!

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St Michael's School Zambia '24 Project Final Update – Volunteering in Zambia!

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A culmination of the students’ incredible fundraising work, 15 pupils and 5 staff travelled to Zambia spending two weeks working with Mission Direct on a number of projects in the community.

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