Teckentrup in the UK is 10 years old. Quite a milestone, given the rather challenging time that greeted its founding…
… Jim Rodger and his business partner Jon Bettell set up Teckentrup Depot on September the 1st 2008. There were signs that the global economy was in turmoil, but on the 15th of September, investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed and the world went into recession. Perfect timing!
Despite this backdrop, the company, with the support of Teckentrup GmbH & Co. KG, built a reputation as the industries “can do company” for sectional garage doors.
In that first year, the number of component shipments coming from Teckentrup in Germany could be counted on fingers and toes… … today several hundred trucks make the journey.
Jon Bettell departed, to return to the world of finance and Jim made the decision explore the introduction of the other products in the Teckentrup GmbH & Co. KG portfolio – steel doors, roller shutters and other Commercial and industrial doors.
The company still has CarTeck garage doors as a core product, but also now supplies steel doors and industrial doors into prestige infrastructure projects, landmark developments and other contracts requiring compliant, high specification products such as Crossrail, Tate Modern and Lidl.
Today, Teckentrup UK Limited is part of the Teckentrup international family of companies. Expansion has led to the need for more space and the move “half a mile down the road” to larger premises in August of this year.
At the start of September Jim and Kai Teckentrup gathered the team and suppliers to the business together to say a few words, celebrate the achievement and thank everyone for all their hard work.
10 Feb 2025
Watch Dan take you through each step of the CarTeck DRIVE reset procedure on Teckentrup CarTeck insulated sectional garage doors.
05 Nov 2024
After a successful audit, at which Teckentrup demonstrated its industry leading capabilities to supply the door industry, Constructionline awarded Teckentrup platinum membership status – their highest level of membership!
01 Oct 2024
A culmination of the students’ incredible fundraising work, 15 pupils and 5 staff travelled to Zambia spending two weeks working with Mission Direct on a number of projects in the community.